LwM2M Tools

OMA has developed several tools to support the adoption of LightWeightM2M Specifications.

LwM2M Editor

Name Description
LwM2M Editor

Although it is called LwM2M Editor in reality this application is formed by four tools that complement each other:

  • Resource Editor

    This part of the tool allows to define and export a LwM2M Resource

  • Object Editor v1.0 or v1.1

    LwM2M Protocol has currently define two schemas v1.0 and v1.1. LwM2M Objects are created using one of these two schemas.

  • License Editor

    Each LwM2M Object needs include a license. The tool allows to insert the license once the Object is uploaded to the Editor. OMA publishes its Objects under BSD-3 License. We recommend to use the same License on Objects defined privately, in this way the Objects can be shared with other Standards Organizations.

  • Object Validator

    See comments in next tool Object Validator

LwM2M Validator

Name Description
LwM2M Editor
  • Object Validator

    OMA has defined several validation tools. The Object Validator allows to validate an Object once it is uploaded to the Editor.

    The second validation tool is incorporated into the LwM2M Registry as CI/CD validation. The Object is validated at the time to submit a Pull Request, see README file in the LwM2M Registry for further details.

LwM2M Service API

Name Description
LwM2M Service API

LwM2M DevToolKit

Name Description
LwM2M DevKit
  • LwM2M DevKit

    This is similar to a Protocol Analyzer tool. It shows the content of the messages exchanged between the LwM2M Client and LwM2M Server.

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Mon, Nov 13, 2023