Validation Error Code

This tool allows the validation of an Object that is publicly reachable by the tool:

  • The error codes relevant to single Object Validation are from (403 to 499).

  • In addition, the user needs to validate by hand the criteria provided by error codes (400 to 402). The information in the OMNA LwM2M Registry is contained in two files:

  • DDF.xml: this file contains all the Object information that is displayed in the OMA LwM2M registry with the exception of the Reusable Resources that are contained in the "Common.xml" file.

  • Common.xml: this file contains the Reusable Resources information that is displayed in the OMA LwM2M registry.

Error Codes

General Requirements

Fault ID Resolve By Description
001 Maintainer It cannot be downloaded from the Registry API.
002 Maintainer
  1. Internal server error, Unknown error code when finding files from the repository to validate.
  2. Other errors that prevent the validator to validate the remaining tasks.
  3. The validation tool is configured to not do full validation of external links, for example, the object contains a link to the TS but the validation is requested to ignore validating that.
005 Maintainer SenML units were not possible to load and therefore not used during validation
010 Maintainer The API does not return the same number of objects for DDF.XML
011 Maintainer The API does not return the same number of resources for Common.XML - NOT SUPPORTED, THE API DOES NOT SUPPORT Common.XML
021 Maintainer The XML File is NOT 1) well-formatted or 2) valid according to the schema in DDF.XML
022 Maintainer The XML File is NOT 1) well-formatted or 2) valid according to the schema in Common.XML
023 Maintainer Validate that the API return MIME Type application/json
031 Maintainer Validate that the file contains at least one object in DDF.XML
032 Maintainer Validate that the file contains at least one resource in Common.XML
041 Maintainer Invalid content or element that is not expected in DDF.XML
050 Maintainer Indicate that there are one or more files in the repository that does not exist in DDF.xml.

Elements in the DDF.xml

Fault ID Resolve By Elements Description
200 Maintainer ObjectID Version is the same between two objects with the same Object ID
201 Maintainer Name is different for a different version of the same Object ID
202 Maintainer The description is different for a different version of the same Object ID
210 Maintainer URN The URN or ObjectID is not correct according to the Technical Specification
The URN or Source category is not correct according to the Technical Specification
The URN or Ver is not correct according to the Technical Specification
The ID is not in the range allowed by Source
220 Maintainer Name Is not allowed to be empty
230 Maintainer Description Is not allowed to be empty
240 Maintainer Owner Is not allowed to be empty
250 Maintainer Source Is not allowed to be empty
251 Maintainer Must be either "0", "1" or "2" without quotes
260 Maintainer Ver Must be either empty or 3 with the format <Digit>.<Digit> according to the Technical Specification
270 Submitter DDF Must be either Empty or a valid link that does not return HTTP 404 (Not Found) and any error while downloading the object or processing the object
271 Maintainer The MIME type of the response must be text/xml
272 Submitter The link contains an invalid Object
273 Submitter The link should contain an Object with a minimum of one resource
274 Maintainer For each entry in the <DDF> element there MUST be a file name <ObjectID>-<Ver> in the "version_history" folder. "The error is the file for this ObjectID is missing from the "version_history" folder" or the content of both Objects are not the same.

In addition these are possible issues:

  1. Object that is not the latest version MUST be prefixed with "version_history"
  2. An Object that is the latest version MUST NOT be prefixed with "version_history"
275 Maintainer Previous version exist twice, which is not allowed
276 Maintainer Previous version missing. For example if an object contains ver 2.4, then the following version must exist: 2.3, 2.2, 2.1, 2.0, 1.0
280 n/a LWM2M (Void)
Must either be empty if DDF is empty or a valid link to the tool with the URL to load the object into the tool
A valid URL must start with the call to the tool:
Followed by the URL, (URL-encoded), to the Object.
For example
Note: this error code is no longer in use. The element that contained the link to the LwM2M Editor was removed from the DDF.
290 Maintainer Vorto Must be either Empty or a valid link that does not return HTTP 404 (Not Found)
291 n/a DISABLED - The MIME Type of the response must not be "html" to avoid web page with HTTP 404
300 Maintainer DDFLink Is not allowed to be empty
301 Maintainer Must be either "0", or "1" without the quotes
310 Maintainer TS Technical Specification (TS) must be either empty or a valid link that does not return HTTP 404 (Not Found)
311 n/a DISABLED - The MIME Type of the response must not be "html" to avoid web page with HTTP 404
320 Maintainer TSLink Is not allowed to be empty
321 Maintainer Must be either "0", or "1" without the quotes
330 Submitter LicenseType

Under development

Must either be empty or string - Will not be verified, empty or non-existing is treated equally

Note: to be changed to, it cannot be empty

400 Submitter Content of Object "ObjectID" inside the object is not the same as in the DDF.XML File
401 Submitter "Object URN" inside the object is not the same as in the DDF.XML File
402 Submitter "Object Name" inside the object is not the same as in the DDF.XML File
403 Submitter Incorrect content of LWM2MVersion
404 Submitter Non-existent xml schema reference
405 Submitter Invalid XML schema reference.
406 Submitter The object is missing Line Feed (LF) characters in the end of the file
407 Submitter Object contains Carriage Return (CR) which is not allowed in LwM2M Object and Resource Registry and is required in Object XML files
408 Submitter Object missing several Line Feed (LF), which is not allowed
700 Submitter Invalid XML characters in Description1, e.g. usage of smart quotes (“ExtDevInfo”) rather than straight quotes ("ExtDevInfo")
701 Maintainer The Description1 in the DDF and in the Object doesn't match
705 Submitter Invalid XML characters in Description2, e.g. usage of smart quotes (“ExtDevInfo”) rather than straight quotes ("ExtDevInfo")
410 Submitter Content of the objects resources Empty Name
411 Submitter Invalid Operations according to the Technical Specification (TS)
412 Submitter Invalid Type according to the Technical Specification (TS)
413 Submitter Invalid Type for an resource with Operation = "E" (Execute). Also, "E" operation, MUST have "Single" as value of the "Instances" field as indicated in the TS.
414 Submitter Invalid MultipleInstances value
415 Submitter Invalid Mandatory value
416 Submitter Empty Description
420 Submitter Invalid XML characters in Description, e.g. usage of smart quotes (“ExtDevInfo”) rather than straight quotes ("ExtDevInfo")
417 Submitter Invalid Unit value according to SenML
418 Submitter

In the description of a range it is not possible to use "-" or "to" instead it should be used ".."

  • Correct Example: "0..23"
  • Incorrect: "0 to 23"
450 Submitter Content of the object's reusable resources The object uses a non existing reusable resource
451 Submitter Same reusable resource already included
460 Submitter Mismatch with reusable resources on: Name
461 Submitter Mismatch with reusable resources on: Operation
462 Submitter Mismatch with reusable resources on: Type
463 Submitter Mismatch with reusable resources on: RangeEnumeration
464 Submitter Mismatch with reusable resources on: Unit
465 Submitter

Mismatch with reusable resources on: Description

  • Ignore blank space, tab character, line feed and new line character.
  • This rule implies that description doesn't change the meaning.

Elements in the Common.xml

Fault ID Resolve By Elements Description
500 Maintainer ObjectID The ID is already used in another registration, it must be unique
501 Maintainer The ID is not in the range of (2048 - 26240)
510 Maintainer Name Is not allowed to be empty
520 Submitter Operations Invalid Operations according to the Technical Specification, ,TS
530 Submitter Type Invalid Type according to the Technical Specification, TS
531 Submitter Invalid Type for an resource with Operation = ",E" (Executable)
540 n/a Range Enumeration N/A, No validation done
541 Submitter In the description of a range it is not possible to use "-" or "to" instead it should be used ".."
  • Correct Example: "0..23"
  • Incorrect: "0 to 23"
551 Submitter Units Invalid Unit according to SenML
570 Submitter Description Is not allowed to be empty
571 Maintainer VOID. Description is not CDATA encoded
580 Maintainer TS Technical Specification (TS), must be either Empty or a valid link that does not return HTTP 404 (Not Found)
581 Maintainer The MIME Type of the response must not be "html" to avoid web page with HTTP 404
590 Maintainer TSLink Is not allowed to be empty
591 Maintainer Must be either "0" or "1" without quotes
601 Submitter Name Invalid XML characters in Name, e.g. "smart quotes"
602 Submitter Description Invalid XML characters in Description, e.g. "smart quotes"
603 Submitter TS Link Invalid XML characters in TS Link
604 Submitter Operations Invalid XML characters in Operations according to the Microsoft XML parser in addition "smart quotes" will generate this error.
605 Submitter TS Invalid XML characters in Technical Specification (TS), e.g. "smart quotes"

Elements inside of the Object

Fault ID Resolve By Elements Description
800 Submitter LwM2MVersion or ObjectVersion One or both of these elements (LwM2MVersion, ObjectVersion) are missing from the Object.
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